1.      Guiding principles:

1.       Voters’ issues and rights at the center of work: NVRF and its members are committed to protect and promote rights of voters' of all religions, gender, caste, class, regions, and age.  All the efforts of NVRF, in general, will focus on voters’ issues and the promotion of their rights, specifically the rights of women, persons with disabilities, minorities and marginalized groups.

2.       Democratic and inclusive: NVRF and all its members will be guided by democratic values and inclusivity in its functioning and in implementing its programs and activities.

3.       Transparence and accountability: The entire work of NVRF will be transparent to all its member organizations, and to the voters. NVRF will take full accountability of its actions and the outcome of those actions.

4.       Fairness and impartiality: NVRF and its members will work according to what is morally, ethically, and legally right and fair.  It will demonstrate impartial behavior to all its members, stakeholders, voters and candidates. Full impartiality will be maintained to all political parties keeping personal political and ideological inclination.

5.       Professional competence, volunteerism, commitment and credibility: All members will demonstrate their voluntary commitment towards the vision, mission, and goals and in all decisions of NVRF.  The credibility will be demonstrated through its competent and trustful actions.  The forum will maintain professional integrity and competency with full commitment and compliance to the fundamental principles and values of democratic elections.

6.       Courtesy, principle of equality and respectful behavior: All members will demonstrate courteous, equal and respectful behavior among each other and with stakeholders, voters and leaders. Each member will demonstrate high morality behaving with cordiality and using respectful language in day-to-day action. 

7.       Respecting diversity: Diversity of members, voters, stakeholders and leaders in terms of ideology, political differences, gender, class, region, physical disabilities and all sort of marginalization will be recognized and respected.  Special priority will be given to protect human rights and voting rights of underprivileged and marginalized people and communities.

8.       Mutual cooperation and coordination: NVRF will extend mutual cooperation and coordination with individuals and organizations working in the field of voting rights, election, human rights, democracy and governance.