
Nepal Voters' Right Forum (NVRF) has registered as a network at District Administration Office, (DAO) Kathmandu under the NGO Registration Act of Nepal on February 22, 2017, though it was functioning since 2015 as a loose network. It is a nonprofitable, nonpartisan, non-governmental, unique, and inclusive network having representation of traditionally marginalized and excluded peoples' organizations including, Dalit, women, people with disabilities, youth, religious minorities, indigenous nationalities, Madeshi, LGBTI, human rights, governance, and media. It has been working for ensuring rights of the voters through election education, good governance, democratic accountability, participatory electoral process, transparency, political finance, capacity development, awareness-raising, research, documentation, and publications, fostering dialogues and interactions for promoting free, fair, credible elections and election process for strengthening inclusive and accountable democracy in Nepal. NVRF advocates for the right of voters to participate in periodic elections for electing their representatives without any fear and undue influences. It also campaigns for the elected representatives to be responsible and accountable towards the voters who cast their votes for electing them. It also promotes unity and harmony among diversity respecting equality, non-discrimination, human rights, social justice, dignity, and peoples' sovereignty. It has 25 members' central executive board members and it adopts the Human Rights-Based Approach (HRBA) in its all interventions and actions.


Informed voters, accountable politics, matured democracy, respects human rights and dignity, for sustainable peace, social justice, and prosperity.


Enhance electoral integrity and voters' performance for institutionalizing participatory and inclusive democracy by educating, empowering, and engaging voters.


Protect and promote voters' rights to support free, fair, and credible elections, strengthening responsive politics and democratic accountability.


1. To create enabling election environment from local to the national level and increase engagement of voters in all election processes

2. To develop a critical mass of informed, aware, conscious, and educated voters on voters' rights and responsibilities and contribute to a free, fair,  and fearless election and election environment.

3. To develop and publicize evidence-based knowledge and information for voter education and policy advocacy.

4. To observe and assert the fairness and impartiality of election, and the level of participation and access of voters and contribute to improving the electoral process.

5. To enhance the capacity of members, member organizations and strengthen the institutional capacity of NVRF in order to increase its contribution in strengthening and institutionalizing democracy.

6. To promote political accountability, transparency,  and inclusiveness by raising awareness and educating traditionally marginalized and excluded communities.

7. Creating civic spaces by fostering interactions and dialogues between voters and elected representatives and initiating advocacy, lobby, and policy influencing activities